For Consulting Firms

For consulting firms -- we offer expert project management!

You got the big case and a demanding client. You have the expert lined up. You even have a team of consultants ready to go. Olic Consulting can make it all work more smoothly together.

Our principals have extensive experience running some of the most complex damages and valuation cases -- delivering expert opinions on time and budget and with high satisfaction among clients and staff. Our expertise covers all aspects of the litigation process, from document requests early on to producing materials relied on at the conclusion.

But our experience goes beyond mere project management -- we get deeply involved in the substance as well and have the ability to present complex analytical issues in understandable terms to non-technical audiences. In other words, we help tailor answers to financial questions in legal and commonly understood terms.

  Testifying Experts
  Consulting Firms
  Blue-Team Review
  Financial Reporting
Industry Experience
Technical Skills

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